Information Disclosure
As a form of BCA Syariah's responsibility to all stakeholders, the following is information openness and transparency for the public
The following is information about openness and transparency for all BCA Syariah stakeholders:
Changes in the composition of members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners 2023
In order to comply with the provisions of POJK No.37/POJK.03/2019 regarding Transparency and Publication of Reports by Banks and SEOJK No.10/SEOJK.03/2020 regarding Transparency and Publication of Reports by Sharia Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Units, we hereby, for and on behalf of PT Bank BCA Syariah, submit the Report of Information or Material Facts as follows: here
Additional members of the Board of Directors and changes in the composition of members of the Board of Commissioners
In order to comply with the provisions of POJK No.37/POJK.03/2019 regarding Transparency and Publication of Reports by Banks, and SEOJK No.10/SEOJK.03/2020 regarding Transparency and Publication of Reports by Sharia Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Units, we hereby, for and on behalf of PT Bank BCA Syariah, submit the Report of Information or Material Facts as follows: here
Announcement of Settlement of Ex-PT Bank Interim Indonesia Customer Ownership
Completion of Customer Ownership Former PT Bank Interim Indonesia
(formerly PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia)
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
To the respected former customers of Bank Interim,
Thank you for your trust and support. We highly appreciate the good cooperation and are committed to providing the best service to all customers.
Referring to the announcements and letters we have previously conveyed, as follows:
The announcement we conveyed in national newspapers, namely Bisnis Indonesia and Kontan, on December 11, 2020, stating that the merger of PT Bank Interim Indonesia/"Bank Interim" (formerly PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia/"Rabobank Indonesia") into PT Bank BCA Syariah ("BCA Syariah") was effective on December 10, 2020, and
The letter regarding the Settlement Notice of Account Balances, Safe Deposit Box (SDB) Deposits, and Collateral Documents dated March 25, 2021, and October 15, 2021, which we sent to customers by registered mail and dated August 20, 2021, via email,
Therefore, for those of you who are former Bank Interim customers and intend to settle the ownership of account balances, deposits in a Safe Deposit Box (SDB), collateral document deposits (if any), and/or other banking services/facilities that were previously held at Bank Interim, we hope you can complete the process before December 10, 2021, considering the following:
1. Types of Settlement
Ownership Type |
Settlement Method |
Account balance |
Non-cash transfer to BCA Syariah or another bank's account |
Safe Deposit Box (SDB) deposits |
Transfer process |
Collateral document deposits |
Transfer process |
2. Process Locations
Ownership Type |
Process Location |
Account balance |
Nearest BCA Syariah branch |
Safe Deposit Box (SDB) deposits |
BCA Syariah Head Office, East Jakarta |
Collateral document deposits |
BCA Syariah Head Office, East Jakarta |
3. Settlement Procedure
Submit an application by filling out the Statement Letter form. The Statement Letter form can be downloaded at
Complete the following documents:
No |
Individual Customer |
Business Entity Customer |
1 |
Original valid identification card of the Account/Layanan/Facility Owner or Attorney, i.e., Electronic ID (WNI), KITAS/KITAP (WNA); |
2 |
Original Lease Agreement for the Safe Deposit Box (SDB) for Safe Deposit Box (SDB) service users;
- |
3 |
Original proof of account/service/facility ownership; |
4 |
Original Customer Statement Letter with stamp duty (in case of inability to show documents as stated in points 2 and 3); |
5 |
Original Power of Attorney, at least legalized by a Notary, if the settlement of the account/service/facility is entrusted to another party; |
6 |
Required stamp duty for documents; |
7 |
Complete any other required letters or documents; |
Specifically for the management of collateral document deposits, besides bringing general documents at points 1, 5, 6, and 7 above, the collateral owner must also bring complete documents related to credit and collateral as follows:
Original credit agreement and its amendments;
Copy of collateral ownership proof;
Copy of the deed/document of collateral encumbrance;
Original/copy of the collateral document handover from the previous bank;
Original clearance letter and royal letter issued by Rabobank Indonesia or Bank Interim;
Original Power of Attorney, at least legalized by a Notary, if the collateral document deposit is entrusted by the collateral owner to another party;
Withdrawal of account balance, transfer of safe deposit box deposits, or transfer of collateral document deposits is done at the Process Location by bringing all original/copy documents that have been completed.
For more information, please contact:
Former Bank Interim Customer Service
BCA Syariah Head Office
Jl Jatinegara Timur No 72,
Bali Mester Village, Jatinegara District
East Jakarta 13310
Phone: (021) 8505030 ext 8900
Thus, we convey this announcement. We express our gratitude for your attention and cooperation.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Jakarta, October 25, 2021
PT Bank BCA Syariah
Board of Directors
To view the announcement in the newspaper BISNIS INDONESIA, click here
Change of President Director
In order to comply with the provisions of POJK No.37/POJK.03/2019 regarding Transparency and Publication of Reports by Banks, and SEOJK No.10/SEOJK.03/2020 regarding Transparency and Publication of Reports by Sharia Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Units, we hereby, for and on behalf of PT Bank BCA Syariah, submit the Report of Information or Material Facts as follows: here
Announcement of Interim Ex-Bank Customer Ownership Settlement Procedures
Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Referring to the announcement that we have conveyed in the national newspaper on December 11, 2020, regarding the merger of PT Bank Interim Indonesia/"Bank Interim" (formerly PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia/"Rabobank Indonesia") into PT Bank BCA Syariah ("BCA Syariah"), which was effective on December 10, 2020. For those of you who are former customers of Bank Interim and intend to settle the ownership of balances or valuables deposited in the Safe Deposit Box (SDB) that were previously held in your account/service/facility at Bank Interim, you can request settlement by paying attention to the following:
Types of Settlement:
Account Balance | Non-cash transfer to BCA Syariah account or another bank |
Valuables Deposit (Safe Deposit Box) | Handover process |
Settlement Location: Head Office of BCA Syariah, East Jakarta
Settlement Procedure:
- Submit a request by filling out the Declaration Form
- Complete and submit photocopies of the following documents:
- Valid identification card of the Account/Service/Facility Owner or Authorized Representative, i.e., Electronic ID (for Indonesian citizens), KITAS/KITAP (for non-Indonesian citizens)
- Articles of Association/Company Deed and its amendments for corporate customers
- Evidence of ownership of the account/service/facility
- Customer's Declaration Letter on stamp duty (if unable to provide evidence of ownership of the account/service/facility)
- Power of Attorney (notarized by a Notary), if the settlement of the account/service/facility is not done by the account owner or SDB
- Complete any other required letters or documents (if necessary)
- Withdrawal of account balance or handover of valuable items is carried out at the Customer Ex Interim Service, Head Office of BCA Syariah, East Jakarta, by bringing all completed original documents
Click here to download the Declaration Letter
For further information or document submission, please contact:
Customer Ex Bank Interim Service
Head Office of BCA Syariah
Jl. Jatinegara Timur No. 72,
Kelurahan Bali Mester, Kecamatan Jatinegara
East Jakarta 13310
Phone: (021) 8505030 ext 8900
Thus, we convey this announcement. We express our gratitude for your attention and cooperation.
Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
PT Bank BCA Syariah
Material Information or Facts Addition of Members to the BCA Syariah Board of Commissioners
As part of openness and information transparency, the bank has an obligation to convey Information or Material Facts to all stakeholders.
The following is Information or Material Facts regarding the Addition of Members to the Board of Commissioners of PT Bank BCA Syariah, click here
Material Information or Facts about the Interim Bank Merger into BCA Syariah
As part of openness and information transparency, the bank has an obligation to convey Information or Material Facts to all stakeholders.
The following is Information or Material Facts regarding the Merger of PT Bank Interim into PT Bank BCA Syariah, click here
Announcement of Interim Bank Merger into BCA Syariah
As part of transparency and information openness to the public, the Bank has published an Announcement regarding the Merger of PT Bank Interim Indonesia into PT Bank BCA Syariah in the BISNIS INDONESIA newspaper and KONTAN newspaper on December 11, 2020.
To view the announcement in the BISNIS INDONESIA newspaper, click here
To view the announcement in the KONTAN newspaper, click here
Announcement of Summary of Interim Bank Merger Plan into BCA Syariah
As part of transparency and information openness to the public, the Bank has published a Summary of the Merger Plan of PT Bank Interim Indonesia into PT Bank BCA Syariah in the BISNIS INDONESIA newspaper and KONTAN newspaper on October 12, 2020.
To view the announcement in the BISNIS INDONESIA newspaper, click here
To view the announcement in the KONTAN newspaper, click here