Service for Accepting Deposits for the Costs of Organizing Hajj Worship (LPS BPIH)

BCA Syariah now offers the Service for Accepting Deposits for the Costs of Organizing Hajj Worship (LPS BPIH) for the convenience of making initial and settlement payments for Hajj worship fees


  • Funds can be in cash or debited from an account at BCA Syariah.
  • Easy preparation of BPIH (Cost of Organizing Hajj) payments through Tahapan Mabrur iB, which offers various advantages.
  • Connected to SISKOHAT KEMENAG (Integrated Computerized Hajj System of the Ministry of Religious Affairs)

Requirements for Initial BPIH Deposit

  • Prospective pilgrims directly make BPIH deposits at the branch office of BCA Syariah.
  • Minimum age of 12 years.
  • Bring the following documents:
    • Photocopy of E-KTP (Electronic ID Card)
    • Photocopy of KK (Family Card)
    • Photocopy of Birth Certificate/Identity Letter of Birth/Marriage Certificate/Diploma
  • Prepare the initial deposit for Hajj registration and Stamp Duty.
  • Fill out the Wakalah bil ujroh contract form.

Terms for Registering for Hajj at the Ministry of Religious Affairs

  • Must be a Muslim
  • Minimum age of 12 years
  • Hajj registration MUST be done personally and cannot be delegated or done collectively
  • Pilgrims who have previously performed the Hajj pilgrimage can register again after 10 years from their last pilgrimage.

Hajj registration can be done at the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the Regency/City or through the "Haji Pintar" application no later than 5 days after making the initial deposit at BCA Syariah.

Contact the representative office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia according to your domicile to get information on Hajj registration documents.