Klik BCA Syariah

Klik BCA Syariah is an electronic banking facility provided by BCA Syariah for the convenience of customers in conducting both financial and non-financial banking transactions through the internet network


  • Convenient
    • Transactions can be performed anywhere without the need to visit branch offices or ATMs
    • Transactions can be done anytime, not limited to the bank's office hours*
    • Just one facility to access all your accounts (except accounts with "joint account" status)

* Especially for the SKN/RTGS Transfer feature to other banks, it can be accessed according to branch office service hours

  • Secure
    • Transactions are secure with maximum protection
  • User Friendly
    • Easy-to-use menu features

User Requirements

Klik BCA Syariah can be used by individual customers and corporate customers (Non-Individual)

Usage Steps

Register at any BCA Syariah branch by bringing the required documents. After registration is complete, you will receive a Registration Info SMS. Activate the facility on a personal computer (PC) or smartphone.

Access Method

Customers can access Klik BCA Syariah via the customer's PC/smartphone/other electronic media by accessing the address www.klikbcasyariah.com

By accessing that address, the system will automatically redirect the customer to the address https://ibank.klikbcasyariah.com/ib/login and display the Klik BCA Syariah login screen

Types of BCA Syariah Account Transfer Mechanisms

For the convenience of transactions to BCA Syariah accounts, you can choose the type of transfer:

  • Immediate Transfer, which is a transaction that is immediately effective/processed at that time.
  • Transfer on Date, which is a transfer carried out on the date specified by the Customer
  • Periodic Transfer is a transfer carried out periodically at specified intervals, i.e., transfer every few days, transfer on certain days, or transfer on certain dates


Safe Transaction Tips

To ensure your transactions at Klik BCA Syariah are always safe and comfortable, click here

Features and Limits

Non-Financial Information
  • Portfolio information (accounts and financing)
  • Account transactions (3 months - 31 days per inquiry)
  • Transaction history (3 months - 31 days per inquiry)
  • Scheduled transaction status information
  • Change email address
  • Change Transaction PIN
  • Change Login PIN
  • Activate BCA Syariah Key
  • AKSes KSEI Registration
  • List of destination accounts
  • Delete/edit destination accounts
  • List of batch transfers
  • Batch transfer report
Financial Transfer
  • Transfer to BCA Syariah accounts
  • Transfer to BCA Syariah RDN
  • Transfer zakat, infaq, or sedekah through BCA Syariah
  • Online transfer to other banks
  • SKN/RTGS transfer to other banks*

Min Rp 10,000
Max Rp 100,000,000

  • Prepaid PLN
  • Prepaid mobile phones
Min Rp 1
Max Rp 5,000,000
  • Postpaid PLN & Non Electricity Bills
  • Telkom
  • Postpaid mobile phones
  • Internet
  • Subscription TV
  • Train tickets
  • PDAM (water utility)
Min Rp 1
Max as per bill

*) According to Bank Indonesia regulations, the nominal value of interbank transactions through the BI-RTGS System > Rp100 million per transaction, while through SKNBI < Rp1 billion per transaction.

Limit Terms

  1. The transfer limit to BCA Syariah accounts is separate from the transfer limit to other banks (Online/SKN/RTGS/BI Fast).
  2. The daily limit per customer for transfers to BCA Syariah accounts is a maximum of Rp400 million
  3. The daily limit per customer for transfers to other banks' accounts is a maximum of Rp200 million
  4. Online transfers to other banks have a maximum limit of Rp100 million per transaction
  5. The transaction limit on points 2 and 3 above is a combined limit for all BCA Syariah e-channels but separate from the BCA Syariah ATM Card limit.
  6. The Purchase limit is separate from the Payment limit.


SMS Costs

These are the costs for SMS sent to the customer's mobile phone related to the customer's activities on Klik BCA Syariah. SMS costs are borne by the bank.

Bank Costs

These are transaction costs conducted through BCAS Mobile including cases where the transaction is not successfully executed/processed by the bank.

Online Transfer to BCA Free of Charge
Online Transfer to Other Banks 6,500
SKN Transfer to Other Banks 2,900
RTGS Transfer to Other Banks 30,000
Batch Transfer to BCA Syariah Account Free of Charge

BCA Syariah Key Costs (hard token)

New Request 50,000
Replacement due to damage* 50,000
Replacement due to loss 50,000

*Damaged BCA Syariah Key must be returned to BCA Syariah

Internet Costs

These are costs charged by the internet service provider used by the customer. The amount of internet costs depends on the policies of the internet service provider and is borne by the user.