Tahapan Mabrur iB
Savings for your Umrah and Hajj plans
Tahapan Mabrur iB is a savings account based on the profit-sharing principle (mudharabah mutlaqah) aimed at assisting customers in realizing their Umrah and Hajj plans.
- No administrative fees
- Low initial deposit
- Suitable for all ages
- Flexible or scheduled deposit options
- Collaboration with trusted Umrah Travel Agencies
- Individual (Indonesian Citizen)
- Photocopy of E-KTP (Electronic ID) and NPWP (Tax ID)
- For account opening for children, include:
- Family Card
- Birth Certificate
- Student Card (if available)
- Profit-sharing contract (mudharabah mutlaqah)
- Options for deposit types:
- Flexible Deposit, which allows deposits at any time
- Scheduled Deposit, where deposits are scheduled monthly and automatically deducted from your main account
Scheduled Deposit Terms
- Minimum IDR 50,000 and multiples thereof
- Debit date for deposits is from the 1st to the 28th of each month
- Freedom to choose the deposit period by filling out the Automatic Transfer form
- Automatic debiting of deposits from the main account in BCA Syariah, and it does not have to be owned by the same customer
Amount (IDR)
Initial Deposit | 100.000 |
Flexible Deposit | Minimum 50.000 |
Scheduled Deposit | Minimum 50.000 and multiples thereof |
Monthly Administrative Fee | 0 |
Account Closure Fee | 50.000 |
Dormant fee* | 5.000 |
*Dormant fee is charged for customers with an average account balance below IDR 10,000,000 (ten million) who have dormant status and have had no transactions on e-channels for the last 6 (six) months.