Tahapan Mabrur iB

Savings for your Umrah and Hajj plans

Tahapan Mabrur iB is a savings account based on the profit-sharing principle (mudharabah mutlaqah) aimed at assisting customers in realizing their Umrah and Hajj plans.


  • No administrative fees
  • Low initial deposit
  • Suitable for all ages
  • Flexible or scheduled deposit options
  • Collaboration with trusted Umrah Travel Agencies


  • Individual (Indonesian Citizen)
  • Photocopy of E-KTP (Electronic ID) and NPWP (Tax ID)
  • For account opening for children, include:
    • Family Card
    • Birth Certificate
    • Student Card (if available)


  • Profit-sharing contract (mudharabah mutlaqah)
  • Options for deposit types:
    • Flexible Deposit, which allows deposits at any time
    • Scheduled Deposit, where deposits are scheduled monthly and automatically deducted from your main account

Scheduled Deposit Terms

  • Minimum IDR 50,000 and multiples thereof
  • Debit date for deposits is from the 1st to the 28th of each month
  • Freedom to choose the deposit period by filling out the Automatic Transfer form
  • Automatic debiting of deposits from the main account in BCA Syariah, and it does not have to be owned by the same customer


Amount (IDR)
Initial Deposit 100.000
Flexible Deposit Minimum 50.000
Scheduled Deposit Minimum 50.000 and multiples thereof
Monthly Administrative Fee 0
Account Closure Fee 50.000
Dormant fee* 5.000

*Dormant fee is charged for customers with an average account balance below IDR 10,000,000 (ten million) who have dormant status and have had no transactions on e-channels for the last 6 (six) months.