Working Capital Financing

It is the provision of short or medium-term funds based on Sharia principles to assist customers in meeting working capital needs, such as the procurement of goods, raw materials, and other working capital requirements


  • Various contract types available according to customer needs
  • Financing can be either revolving or non-revolving
  • Repayment can be made through monthly installments or non-installment basis
  • Available for both individual and corporate customers


  • Various contract types available:
    • Murabahah: BCA Syariah finances the purchase of working capital necessities required by the customer at the cost price plus an agreed-upon profit margin.
    • Mudharabah: BCA Syariah finances the working capital needs of the customer using a profit and loss-sharing method based on a pre-agreed ratio.
    • Musyarakah: BCA Syariah finances a portion of the customer's working capital needs using a profit and loss-sharing method based on a pre-agreed ratio.
    • Ijarah: BCA Syariah finances the purchase of working capital needs that involve services/benefits for goods/leases needed by the customer.
  • Payment can be made in installments for Murabahah, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Ijarah and on a non-installment basis for Mudharabah, Musyarakah.

Term Conditions

Type of Financing Payment Method





Maximum 1 year

Maximum 1 year


Maximum 5 years

Maximum 1 year

Customer Requirements

The following are the requirements that must be met by (prospective) customers or authorized representatives of business entities:

  • Legal capacity
  • Must meet one of the following conditions:
    • Indonesian citizen (WNI) aged at least 21 years or married (for individual customers)
    • Compliance with the Articles of Association and applicable legal provisions (for corporate customers)
  • Ability and willingness to repay the provided financing
  • Not bankrupt
  • Not listed in the blacklist and bad credit list of the Regulator

Document Requirements

Individual Applicant Company Applicant
  • Photocopy of identity card (E-KTP)
  • Photocopy of Family Card (KK)
  • Original domicile certificate from the local Kelurahan (for out-of-town identity cards)
  • Original Statement of Different Names/Signatures (if there is a difference in name/signature)
  • Photocopy of Tax Identification Number (NPWP)
  • Photocopy of Trading Business License (SIUP) / other business licenses such as AMDAL/UKL-UPL (for manufacturing and plantation industry customers)
  • SIUP/Other business license if the financing facility is used for corporate financing
  • Photocopy of Company Registration Certificate (TDP)
  • If the financing facility is used for corporate financing with a limit > Rp 500 million for individual applicants
  • Photocopy of Separation of Property Agreement (if applicable)
  • Original Husband/Wife Consent Letter (if not separating property and submitting collateral)
  • Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
  • Photocopy of the last 3 months' account mutation
  • Photocopy of business transaction proof/record
  • Original Reference Letter (if required)
  • Photocopy of identity card (E-KTP). For corporate applicants, use the identity card of the authorized party for financing transactions
  • Photocopy of Family Card (KK)
  • Original domicile certificate from the local Kelurahan (for out-of-town identity cards)
  • Original Statement of Different Names/Signatures (if there is a difference in name/signature)
  • Photocopy of Tax Identification Number (NPWP). For corporate applicants, use the NPWP of the Company and Executives
  • Photocopy of Trading Business License (SIUP) / other business licenses such as AMDAL/UKL-UPL (for manufacturing and plantation industry customers)
  • Photocopy of Company Registration Certificate (TDP). For financing facilities with a limit > Rp 500 million
  • Photocopy of Certificate of Domicile
  • Photocopy of Articles of Association/Establishment Deed and its amendments that have been legalized by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Photocopy of the Indonesian Republic State Gazette
  • Original Statement of Handing Over the Articles of Association (SPAD)
  • Photocopy of the last 3 months' account mutation
  • Financial Statements of the Company (Balance Sheet and P/L) for the last 3 years
  • Original Reference Letter (if required)


  • Customers are not charged a commission fee. Customers may be charged administrative and other fees related to the financing process, such as collateral appraisal fees, notary fees, and others, according to the applicable Bank regulations.

Important to Note

  • Customers may be subject to fines according to the Bank's regulations in case of late payment of customer obligations, and it may affect the downgrade of the financing collectability status at Bank Indonesia.
  • Customers may be subject to fees related to the financing process according to the Bank's regulations.

Additional Information

  • Murabahah: A transaction involving the sale and purchase of goods at the acquisition cost plus an agreed-upon margin (profit) between the Bank and the customer.
  • Mudharabah: A cooperation agreement for a business between two parties where the first party (malik, shahib al-mal, LKS) provides all the capital, and the second party (amil, mudharib, customer) acts as the manager, and business profits are shared between them according to the agreed-upon contract.
  • Musyarakah: A cooperation agreement between two or more parties for a specific business, where each party contributes capital under the condition that profits and risks (losses) will be shared according to the agreement.
  • Ijarah: A lease transaction for a certain period involving the payment of rent or service fees for a service or benefit.

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