Expand Services for BCA Syariah Customers by Opening a Branch Office in Metro, Lampung
Metro, November 16, 2023 - Today, PT Bank BCA Syariah (BCA Syariah) expands its branch network by inaugurating the BCA Syariah Metro Lampung branch office to reach a wider range of customers. The opening of the Metro Lampung Branch was marked by the ribbon-cutting ceremony conducted by the President Director of BCA Syariah, Yuli Melati Suryaningrum, at the branch office located on ZA Pagar Alam Street, Ruko Sumur Bandung Block C no.11, Metro Sub-district, Metro Central District, Metro City, Lampung.
The branch opening was officially inaugurated by the President Director of BCA Sharia, Yuli Melati Suryaningrum, accompanied by the management team of BCA Sharia
The opening of the new branch is a commitment from BCA Syariah to get closer to customers and the community by providing easy access to various Sharia banking solutions. Yuli Melati Suryaningrum, the President Director of BCA Syariah, stated, 'The opening of the Metro Lampung branch will strengthen BCA Syariah's efforts as a Sharia Commercial Bank that can be the right choice for the community to fulfill their needs for fund collection and financing products.'
This branch opening initiative reinforces the growth of BCA Syariah's assets in the Lampung region. As of September 2023, BCA Syariah's assets in the Lampung region grew by 145% YoY, reaching IDR 212.6 billion. Asset growth is supported by Third Party Funds reaching IDR 30.8 billion. Meanwhile, financing distribution reached IDR 215.2 billion, growing by 147% compared to the previous year (YoY), with the largest composition in the consumer segment increasing by 270% YoY to reach IDR 11.4 billion.
BCA Syariah provides various types of products and services, including fund collection products such as Tahapan iB, Tahapan Mabrur iB, Tahapan Rencana iB, Giro iB, Deposito iB, and Simpanan Pelajar (SimPel). Financing products include Pembiayaan Rekening Koran Syariah, Pembiayaan Modal Kerja iB, Pembiayaan Investasi iB, as well as consumptive financing products such as KPR iB, KKB iB, Pembiayaan Emas iB, and Pembiayaan Multijasa Umrah. BCA Syariah customers are also supported by the convenience of transactions through BCA Syariah Mobile and Klik BCA Syariah internet banking services, as well as an extensive network of ATMs and EDC owned by BCA. Through BCA Syariah Mobile, customers can enjoy the ease of fee-free transfers between BCA and BCA Syariah, transfers to other banks through BI Fast, QRIS payments, and cardless cash withdrawals at all BCA ATMs. Not only that, the public can also make payments for Hajj Operational Costs (BPIH) through all BCA Syariah branch networks.
With the operation of the Metro Lampung Branch, the number of branches in the Lampung region increases to two branches, consisting of 1 Main Branch (KC) and 1 Sub-Branch (KCP). To date, BCA Syariah has 76 branches spread across Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Semarang, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Bandar Lampung, Medan, Palembang, Banda Aceh, Panakukkang, Malang, Kediri, Pasuruan, and Banyuwangi.
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Telephone: (021) 850-5030 ext 1215/1216
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Email: bcas_humas@bcasyariah.co.id
Website: www.bcasyariah.co.id